Junior industrial designer at Taga, a leading industrial design consultancy. Taking part in its growth for two years and a half
Design lead at Paradox, a manufacturer of smart homes and security systems
Involved, as a design leader, in founding an IoT startup for about a year and a half. Starting to explore the world of UX and deciding to deepen my knowledge
2015 - 2017
Working as a Freelance, and wear two professional hats:
Elbit : As the C4i and Cyber Division design manager
Working with startups to design their digital products
October 2018 to present time

B.Des in industrial design, Shenkar college of engineering and design
Design manager at Modu's design management team - a high tech mobile devices manufacturer (founded by Dov Moran)
M.Des - master's degree in design management
September 2014
Working as a UX expert in high tech companies like HP
September 2017 to present time
Teaching user experience design course at Shankar Handesaim, as part of the New Media Design Department (75-100 students in parallel)